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the roleplay story

The Great Galactic War finally has come to an end. A Powerful Dark Council Member named Darth Vyrassu is approached by the Sith Emperor Vitiate and instructed to form an elite operation Sith Order named the Dark Lords of Kaas to carry out his will and forge greatness upon the Sith Empire. Vyrassu recruits the Emperor's Wrath Darth Vyl'aria, and Another Sith named Kophias, and together they form the Dark Lords of Kaas as the Emperor instructed. They are given the Temple of Kaas (Guild Stronghold) Hidden in Kaas City and given a Harrower Class Dreadnought named the Ravager (Guild Flagship). They would crush the republic in a vary edging Cold war until the Eternal Empire would attack the Galaxy. By this time the Dark Lords of Kaas discovered that Vitiate was planning to devour the entire galaxy for Immortal and abandoned his will and to further pursue their own goals as an elite sith organization working in many powers of the Galaxy such as the Alliance and the Sith Empire keeping themselves only known to very few. The Dark Lords of Kaas helped destroy the Eternal Empire defeating Arcaan, Vaylin and the Sith Emperor himself now known as Valkorian. 


Since then the Fighting between the Republic and Sith has continued and The Dark Lords of Kaas further aid the Sith Empire to crush the republic.

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